Fun Sound feature is included in 8start Launcher 2.0 but due to copyright issue, I can't copy the sound from internet/games, the sound need generated by us.
The fun sound idea come from the game Warcraft, when you click the characters, it sound..e.g. "Your orders", click again, it sound "Yes", click again..... it sound "Why you keep on touching me".. hahaha, very funny.
Appreciate if you can contribute some fun sound files, so I can include it in the 8start Laucher setup package.

Guide to add fun sound in 8start
- Record the sound, name it as 01.mp3, 02.mp3, 03.mp4
01.mp3 -> Hi Master
02.mp3 -> Your orders
03.mp3 -> Yes
04.mp3 -> Why you keep on touching me
05.mp3 -> Don't you have anything to do?
save all flies in the 8start fund sound folder e.g c:\8start Launcher\sound\fun
Now, click on the border of 8start Launcher, it will sound "Hi Master", click again, it will sound "Your orders"......
Haha, not a useful feature but it make us smile, or when boring then can click the border of 8start Launcher.