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 Post subject: Sort and display is a little messed up
 Post Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:35 am 

Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:21 am
Posts: 2
Hi Thanks for a great program.

I started writing my own Launcher and decided to see what was out there. I found 8Start and it is pretty much what I had in mind for mine, so I grabbed a copy. I will not have to waste any more time developing my own Launcher. Great work.

OK, a couple of cosmetic problems.
I can't get the Sort to work. It sorts in the "Settings" "Old Method" and I click "Apply" and it regenerates 8Start. Problem is nothing changes in the sorted order within 8Start. I tried Drag and Drop and also manually doing it in the 8Start Folders and still it does not sort them. They are sorted in the folders but not when loaded into 8Start. I even tried manually renumbering the "[001]" and "[002]" and "[003]" prefixes of the actual file names but that didn't work either.

I am using the 3xList and Width of 4 and I am getting some layout problems. In a Group of 6 apps, I get a column of 4 on the left and a column of 2 on the right. I should have 2 columns of 3.

How can I fix these issues?





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