Really sorry letting you all waiting so long for the 8start 1.8
The core feature - Tree favorites/shortcut of 8start 1.8 have been completed, however, I still need to amend something, to make it easy to be used.
Regarding the clock feature, I think may not do it so soon, as I hope I can fulfill my dream of future version of 8start - 8start with soul...
I hope I can start the project - 8start with soul in version 1.9. This project need help from 8start fans, to provided some funny sounds...
The 1st soul in 8start, is...
8start will say something (by referring to random wave/mp3 files) when u double click the border area. ( Like "Warcraft" game )
when you double click on 8start...
8start will say... "Morning, Sir"
when you double click again,
8start will say... "Do you need my help?"
when you double click again,
8start will say... "Why you keep on touching me"
I hope 8start not only can make your desktop clean, make you work easy, it can also make you smile.