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 Post subject: Synchronization with web services
 Post Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:02 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:19 pm
Posts: 1
I just discovered this nice little program. Its a great addition to my portable nomad arsenal.

In this nomad lifestyle I use different PCs and smartphones to access my information. I keep all my programs in a pen drive with a launcher that I'll be migrating to 8start soon.

However in what respects to bookmarks (or favorites), notes and tasks I have ditched isolated solutions in favor of connected solutions that I can access from anyware in a cliente/server mode. I hate logging into a wab page to access my information, and even sometimes web is not accesible, so I need to information offline. For this reason is that I suggest the addition of synchronization capability to 8start Bookrmarks and Notes.

These are examples of applications that I'm using, both I would be willing to move to more open solutions if 8start builds the support.

Notes: Evernote
I was using a web based notes solution but it forced me to log into the page. Considered Google Notes, but then Evernote gave me a client for the desktop and another for the iPhone. So, my suggetion for 8start is to make it sync with Google Notes or any other important web based solution with a good API. This will allow you to use 8start to store your notes and make sure that your notes will be backed up and accessible from anyware in case that you dont have access to 8start.

Bookmarls: Foxmarks
I loved Opera Bookmark sync, but Firefox AddOns provide many other features that made me switch (even that in general I like Opera more). In addition, Foxmarks is building support for IE and Safari. So, it would be great adding a Bookmark syncing feature to 8start so that you can access your Foxmark bookmarks (or Google Bookmarks) from 8start.

Tasks: Toodledo
This is not an 8start functionality, but if you ever add it, you might consider making it to sync with Toodledo or the new Google Tasks.

 Post subject: Re: Synchronization with web services
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:42 am 
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Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:22 am
Posts: 231
Thanks for your suggestions, and the software which you suggest for reference

Really a good idea for 8start users to access the notes/bookmark online/offline.

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