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 Post subject: PROGAM ICONS
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:46 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:38 am
Posts: 2
This is a really useful piece of software, but when clicking on buttons there really needs to be some kind of indication that something is actually happening.
I realize that you do not want to make this more resource intensive, but this is something that would make the program 'feel' more responsive also.

The other thing is that if one has only a small laptop monitor, it is pretty much hit and miss getting the sizing right with the present implementation. It would be infinitely preferable to have a resizing tool so that the window could be re-sized when necessary. I believe this has been requested previously, and I really do think it is important, especially once on starts to use multiple categories and groups, again within a small screen, because otherwise, with a high screen resolution, there is a tendency for the 'Start', 'Hide' and 'Menu' tabs to disappear or not be accessible.
What would make this really excellent would be automatic resizing of the buttons according to the relative size of the entire GUI. Also there really needs to be some text visible to accompany the buttons, as in my case I have similar icons for certain programs, and no way to identify which is which.
Thank you for a great program :)


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