14th Jun - 2 new cute skins - "Sheep in Grass", "Blue Teddy's World" added in skin section
Hope you like this skin. =)
4th Jun - 8start Launcher 3.0 released! 8start Launcher can be configured easily by using Drag and Drop now
Drag and drop is the most wanted feature requested by 8start Launcher users, sorry for the long waiting...finally our dream come true..:-)
After I spent my day and night develop the new method to configure 8start Launcher, 8start Launcher can be configured super easily now. With long waiting drag and drop feature added in 8start Launcher 3.0, you can add in the button easily by drag the icon from Desktop, Start Menu, Windows Explorer and even Browser. Show Detail
Launcher A free Application Launcher to make your desktop clean, with Tree Notes feature to keep and share your notes fast and easy, with countdown feature to countdown to a specific time in taskbar. Portable, skinable, customizable, innovation... |
8start Launcher is a free portable application launcher, I created 8start Launcher because I believe there should be a convenient way to access application than using windows start menu, quick launch and desktop. Windows desktop look messy if too many shortcuts in the desktop, windows start menu become hard to access if too many applications installed in the computer, windows quick launch not suitable to handle too many shortcuts.
Now you can make your desktop wallpaper never be blocked by the icons, you never have to search program shortcuts in start menu. You can divide different programs into categories and groups, and access it by a single click.
I put a lot of effort on created 8start Launcher, included skinable design and shortcuts grouping interface. After using this application I am so used to it that I can't manage to work on computers where it isn't installed.
With continuous improvement, 8start Launcher is including fast and beautiful Tree Notes feature, and also the countdown feature which always visible in taskbar.
I am publishing this software, hope that it can be a help for you to also. You are free to download and distribute the software. This software is a freeware!
- Andy Goh
Review at Freedownloadscenter.com |
8start Launcher is a program worth buying and pleasantly it is a freeware.
This program is a whole new way of launching programs and applications on your system. Starting programs from shortcuts on desktop and start menu is an obsolete and cumbersome process. Now it is made precise with categorization and graphic options. All your programs can be easily identified from the groups and the icons displayed. The art panel design and the graphical interface make your desktop much more viewable and useful than all your wallpapers and shortcuts put together. You can maintain a less icons desktop and access any program with a single click. Clear, useful groups replace the clutter of icons on your desktop. Even the menu is better than the standard start menu.
Even the status of removable drive capacity and free space is displayed for your convenience. |
User Comment at Freewarehome.com |
I know a pearl when I see one! What a splendid idea!
8start Launcher is a free application launcher which will solve the problem of cluttered desktop icons in your computer. This free desktop organizer has all the features that a standard launcher needs. It is a lot more than just an ordinary application launcher. full review |
"能够更换皮肤的多功能桌面启动器, 这个软件的功能很多,你可以添加软件快捷方式,并且对它们进行分类,"full review |
"I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of application launchers before, but I promise that this one is different. Its goal is to put all of your favorite shortcuts at your fingertips." full review |
"I have always wanted a launcher program that is non-intrusive, doesn’t take time to load and also doesn’t clutter the desktop." full review
"Getting off to a good start" full review |
"I don’t usually spend any time on cosmetic utilities like screen savers, launchers, and other desktop accessories. But I gave 8start a chance to organize my icons into categories and subcategories (called groups) when it got increasingly harder to find anything in the forest that was my desktop." full review |
- Jonathan's Tool Bar & Grill
"This exclusive startup and applications launching utility will change the way you use your desktop." full review |
"In the computer age, seconds are an eternity. Milliseconds are todays
seconds. Shaving a mouse-click or two off the process of finding and
opening an application is what these things are about." full review |